safer, healthier, and more knowledgeable
Superior Asbestos Removal & Encapsulation in Alberta
It was yesterday’s construction solution but it’s today’s silent killer. Asbestos could be lurking in buildings throughout the province and if the material in which it resides is breached or damaged, fibres could become airborne and lead to several types of cancers for your family or employees. Trust local professionals to search for and safely remove every type of asbestos.
Common Asbestos Types
There are 3 main types of asbestos which are used in more than 3,000 products. Colour variations usually help to identify these main forms of asbestos, however their colours are not always visible to the naked eye. The 3 main forms of asbestos are:

• Chrysotile
This form is the most common type of asbestos, present in almost 95% of all materials that contain asbestos. Chrysotile asbestos has soft, curly fibres and is used in cement, vinyl floor tiles, roofing felt, insulation materials, oven gloves and much more. It is readily attacked by acids and mixes well with water, unlike other types of asbestos.

• Amosite
These fibres are rigid and straight which repel water and are therefore a good insulator for sound and heat. It can be found in pipe insulation, insulating board, sprayed coatings and vessel and boiler insulation.

• Crocidolite
This asbestos has straight, needle-like fibres and the drainage properties of Amosite. Its tensile strength is greater than Chrysotile and it can also be spun. Therefore its uses include rope, insulation, steelwork spray protection and occasionally in cement boarding.
Vermiculite Insulation Information
Found in various forms and used for many applications, vermiculite insulation products range from fine particles to large pieces nearly an inch long. Vermiculite attic insulation is a pebble-like, pour-in product and is usually light brown or gold in colour.
It should be noted that prior to 1990, much of the world’s supply of vermiculite came from a mine in Montana. This mine had a natural deposit of asbestos which resulted in the vermiculite insulation being cross-contaminated with asbestos. Attic insulation that uses fibres from the Montana mine may contain asbestos and be hazardous to your health. Contact the Clean Air Services team today for an on-site inspection to learn if your property contains asbestos or other hazardous materials.
Ph: 403-254-2714 | Fax: 403-243-8149
Email: info@cleanairservicesinc.com
Hours: Monday-Friday: 07:30AM– 04:00PM
Closed Saturday and Sunday
Ph: 403-327-5997 | Fax: 403-327-6147
Email: info@cleanairservicesinc.com
Hours: Monday-Friday: 07:30AM– 04:00PM
Closed Saturday and Sunday